Works great! Using the largest drill bit, I drilled drainage holes in the bottom of 4 plant pots (3 ceramic, 1 gray terracotta). To keep the drill cool and clean, I poured a small amount of water into the spot I wanted to drill and then surrounded the spot with a few ice cubes that melted as I drilled so I didn't have to add more water. Holding the drill at about a 45 degree angle, I turned it on and lightly pressed against the surface while holding the pot still. After holding it in the same place for about 30 seconds, he drilled a semi-circular shallow groove. I was then able to move the drill bit at right angles to the surface so it didn't bounce around to drill a full circle. Strong pressure was not required, it was enough to keep him steady and pressed to the surface. Each hole was drilled for approximately 3 minutes. After using it with cold water for 4 holes I don't see much wear on the diamond edge compared to unused bits. See photos for more details.