We bought these waterproof Mylar bags to take with us on our November hike. My husband and our two boys wore them over their sleeping bags to keep the cold breeze from reaching us at night. The first night the temperature dropped to 32 degrees but we stayed relatively warm in our mylar covered sleeping bags. Even my feet were warm. The first night the inside of the Mylar bags were sweaty and the outside of our bags were wet. If the outside of the bag is wet, the inside is damp at best. By the way, being wet in cold weather is not good. Even if we were a bit chilly (because of the humidity), we were still warmer than without the emergency bags. Please note: The moisture that has accumulated in our Mylar bags is not a result of a manufacturer's error, it is the result of scientific research. If you breathe into a sleeping bag with your head covered, condensation will form over time. And if you don't wear dry, light clothes to sleep, you can sweat while you sleep. The moisture you generate this way has to go somewhere and is therefore trapped by the Mylar bag which gets wet on the outside of your sleeping bag and keeps you feeling damp and cool inside the bag. We dried our sleeping bags. as much as we could, plus emergency bags on a sunny day. The bags were still slightly damp when we used them the next evening. When we went to bed we covered our faces with light fleece blankets instead of pulling a sleeping bag over our heads. We were more comfortable and the pockets weren't as cool as last night. Next time, a flannel lining in our sleeping bags can help even more as it serves to keep us from feeling the slight dampness caused by condensation. The key to use when camping is: - Put your sleeping bag inside. - Strip down to your underwear (ie only thermal underwear) - Do not breathe into your sleeping bag at night - Cover your mouth with a flannel blanket or handkerchief like a bat - Never go to bed in the clothes you were wearing the day. The moisture it contains gets trapped in the Mylar bag and you get cold. Keep clean, dry, and light sleepwear in a bag so you can quickly change into them when you're ready for bed. Wear a wool hat or something similar to keep heat from escaping over your head. Dry everything the next day.
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