Costco is a multi-branch store in several different countries around the world. The products of this store are not limited to a few specific products and the variety of categories in this store is very high.
According to the conditions of covid-19, it is better to use the online method for purchases from this store, but in any case, if we want to buy in person, by visiting the Find a Warehouse section, you can enter the city or zip code, the nearest Find the branch of this store in our place of residence.
On the same first page of the website, you can see special offers with appropriate discounts, and also with the help of the categories done in the website's header menu, we can see the products of the desired category. Popular brands can be found in all categories.
This store has a good focus on receiving time in online orders, and for products that are new, it can be sent on the same day, and for incorruptible products, it sends orders within 2 days. It has also used refrigerators for transportation for products that should not be defrosted before delivery.