I do a lot of real estate photography and use a Canon 10-22mm as my main lens. After reading Ken Rockwell's glowing review of the 10-18mm lens, I decided to give it a try. On the very first day with the new lens, I noticed its decisive disadvantage: it dazzles very easily when photographing light sources. "Ghost" is perhaps a better term - you will see green spots appearing under direct light sources, especially chandeliers or any type of light source. (See attached picture of the bedroom.) It took a little longer to notice the next flaw, but when I checked my photos after taking them, I saw that the lens showed significant barrel distortion on some shots, probably mostly at longer focal lengths. Some photos have a slight fisheye bulge where straight lines appear crooked. The attached picture of the bedroom was taken at 11mm - you can see the distortion on the door on the right. A very nice benefit over a 10-22mm lens is that it delivers more consistent edge-to-edge sharpness at all focal lengths. . I've always had a few shots with my 10-22 that would dull on one side, but that never happens with the 10-18mm.