This bit either needs to be used and resharpened or it's counterfeit. I bought it for a project I'm working on. I wanted to drill through the door (1.25" jaw) and the drill didn't bite. I had to press hard on it and it still didn't drill through. It got too hot so I had to let it rest. got the bat reviewed and the handling is sloppy, messed up, boring and hard to believe this is even a CMT product.I haven't been this disappointed with a purchase in a long time.My entire multi month project is waiting for the 24mm Forstner -Bit. Careful! Do not buy! Update: I have messaged everyone I could reach about this item, even CMT directly, to ask if this item is legal or not. Never heard from anyone from Revain or CMT. At this point I suspect it's fake or used and repackaged.