Installed on my 1986 Kawasaki 454 LTD and fired right away. The manual I had was a little distant from the relay information so I had to do some digging to figure out the correct pinout. I forgot to take photos but the pinout of this relay is as follows ___== === 3 4 == 1 2 ========4 and 2 signal line 3 and 1 power line This is the same pinout as that RY51 relay which will be a direct replacement for the original 1986 Kawasaki 454 LTD starter relay (12V, 12A). The manual doesn't specifically state the EN450 model, but it is. This will also work in place of the RY51 and also fits the starter relay cover. 5 Star #454 #LTD #1986 #Vulcan #Season Starter