These bin liners are for commercial use but we can definitely use them around the house. There are a few things I love about these bags, especially the durability. They are very large and hold 65 gallons, which is enough for the large trash cans I see on the curb. We don't have a garbage chute, but I use it for garbage and storage areas. If you need a comparison, a standard kitchen garbage bag has a 13 gallon capacity. If you take ForceFlex kitchen waste bags, they are 0.72 mil thick. These hefty bags are 1.5 mil thick, much thicker than the standard contractor bags I have. This will tell you how tough and strong they are. They can take a lot, but I have to consider the weight once filled. They are also long enough that I can fold them when storing blankets. They have a straight bottom that maximizes the bag's capacity. This type of bag fits in a large trash can, including my large Toro trash cans in the backyard. I will be using these bags not only for storage but also for garden waste. Very hard-wearing bags for tough use. Highly recommended.
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