In 1997, SquareEnix (then Squaresoft) released Final Fantasy VII, which was originally exclusive to the Sony Playstation console. This game is still the standard of Japanese RPGs, which perfectly combines a twisted plot with sometimes unpredictable turns of events, carefully crafted characters, as well as addictive gameplay for several tens of hours. True, the graphic component of the game, even in those days, sometimes seemed too primitive ("doll" character models sometimes looked frivolous - despite the fact that CG videos were amazing), and since the advent of Sony Playstation 2, Final Fantasy VII fans have dreamed of a worthy remake . And finally, he's out! So far, it's a Sony Playstation 4 exclusive (a PC version is slated for 2022), but it's the kind of game worth getting a game console for if you've ever thought about it! The plot of the Final Fantasy VII remake covers only part of the overall story, taking place in a metropolis called Midgar. But this part looks like a completely independent game lasting about 40 hours. The graphics here are at the level of the coolest CG screensavers, and the gameplay has turned from turn-based to real-time, with an increasing level of complexity. Now we are going through this game with my wife, returning to those wonderful times when we played the original, returned from college and scored on homework :-)