I've tried several of these robot vacuums over the years and I have to say this is the best I've ever bought. Immediately out of the box it worked great (still haven't charged it) and my 8 year old son set it up and started walking around the kitchen. The quality seems excellent, it's well built and looks like it will hold up. not bad. Function is perfect so far. It seems to be "smarter" than the ones I've bought in the past, meaning it adapts better when it senses something than others. This thing darted around the kitchen picking up everything that came its way. It bumped into a rug/rug and immediately changed direction (not all robot vacuums do) and when it bumped into some furniture, it adapted perfectly. For the price you really can't go wrong with this vacuum cleaner, it's good. I will be buying one for my mom and expect it to last for many years.