It brings me great joy to observe the manner in which my money is dispensed by the ATM, the children sit still and complete their assignments, and the manner in which my robot vacuum cleaner cleans for me. The arrival of our second child resulted in the gift of this assistance from my husband, which made my life a lot simpler. While the cleaning is being done, I am able to look after the children and other things in a peaceful manner. These are some advantages: Now that we are starting to open the windows, there is a lot of dust, but he manages it well. Even small debris from the rugs collects well, as does a variety of children's leftover food and crumbs. The sensors perform accurately and are able to identify all of the obstructions (I was worried about the curtains, but he goes around them). There are a variety of modes for cleaning, the battery life is sufficient for the entirety of the apartment, and perhaps most significantly, it does not require cleaning after each cleaning session because it cleans itself at the base. Well, you only need to keep an eye on the front door; we were almost late getting back to our flat because of that.