I am a cooking fan and when I first got this it was amazing. I rarely used it and for the fifth time the whole button, plastic, just bent and the whole burner was lame, but it burned because only after five times the whole ignition system crumbled and now everything is in it. I thought I had a cool flashlight and they even advertised Sodern. There will be five wires and an arrow, the end of any mess. First failed JUN-L product. I love the food there and still am. I won't ask for a refund but would like them to send me another one and if it's just a bad unit I received then that's understandable. The only reason I don't give it a star is because I like the food there and they are usually good. I don't recommend it but it lights up really well and an extremely sharp line with a blue line perfect for browning pastries and yes it melted a hole in a can in 3 seconds. when it worked, it worked amazingly. Jeremy Curtis