This helmet is useless if you ever need it. The side padding is incredibly soft. In fact, this is a very dangerous helmet. Any review that says this is a great helmet doesn't know what they are talking about. Many riders mistakenly believe that the helmet should fit loosely or that "tight" means the helmet is too small. It seems these are the people falsely praising this helmet. But the most common (and deadliest) myth about helmets is that their number one protective feature is toughness. I won't go into too much detail, but the bottom line is that no helmet is "tough enough". " to block the effects of an impact. The main protective function of a helmet is ABSORPTION and SOFTNESS against the force of an impact. Our internal organs are most often damaged by impact because they collide with the walls in our body (especially a concussion will usually caused by your brain banging against the helmet's shock absorption ability and your head can bang against the sides of the helmet increasing the overall stress on your head A very dangerous helmet that should not be worn at all.
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