These are great garbage bags. They are very significant. I ordered 32 gallons (39 x 46 inches). They come in a corrugated box of 100, so I won't have to buy bin bags for many months. They also come disassembled so you don't have to try and tear two bags apart along the perforations. These packs are actually much stronger than what I usually see in the local market. These bags are 1.35 mil thick which is definitely a heavy bag. I filled the bag to take to the dumpster last night and was amazed at how durable it is. Normally I would stick my regular stamp if it was that full. The only thing some people might not like is that these bags don't have a drawstring or those little twist ties to close them. Personally, I usually just throw the twisted ties away. I prefer to just take opposite sides of the bag and tie them. The lack of a tip doesn't bother me. These bags are large enough that you have enough room to tie them the way I described. In fact, I think that if I filled one of these bags full, it would be too heavy for me to lift. These are the most durable garbage bags I have ever owned. Using anything other than that would be a step down for me in the future. I would highly recommend these bags to anyone. Definitely a 5 star product!
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