The carbide is quite good and cuts cast iron with relative ease. I lost a few teeth on one of the burrs but I think it was more me than the burr. As others have said the ripples are soft to the touch since I had noticeable vibration and visible wobble on 3 out of 4. As others have said the shanks are NOT 1/4 inch, they are smaller, probably 6mm. If you try to use it in a 1/4 inch straight grinder it will jam but the bit will flip causing unsafe concentricity. I intend to find a 6mm collet to see if it is safe to run in my grinder. They worked so well in my drill that I was able to fit a port and an outlet port to a set of 460 cast iron bushings. I think the takeaway from this is to meet my expectations when buying cheap tools and be prepared Find a 6mm collet if you use them in a mill. I was so pleased that I bought another set.