Here's the good and the bad (from a real customer). I received this item with a broken latch, but the seller was very good at fixing it with me. If you are worried about the seller's honesty, it sounds like they care. In general, the box corresponds exactly to the description. The box is fragile and more suitable for careful and gentle people. The back of the box has a strong connection of intertwined wooden connectors. The rest of the details look like they're just glued or stapled together. but everything was level, well fitted, and it looks like everything was carefully aligned during manufacture. Other reviewers have posted photos so check them out. The drawers slide all the way back and don't have latches to prevent them from being pulled out, which is good if you want to pull them out and access all your supplies (and bad if you don't want the drawers falling off). out as you move from place to place). From a practical point of view, small locks on the side walls of drawers are useless decorations. The easel is supported by about 1/8 inch screws or something very small. It carries absolutely no weight and is not intended as a work easel, but it is a convenient place to place a photo reference while you work. The box is very light. The handle on the side has a soft grip and is slightly better than other devices. However, once you've loaded that crate with supplies, you won't want to trust the pen or put the supplies in an upside-down box where everything will fall apart. Verdict? This box is good for organizing your supplies (don't forget to check the dimensions as it's small and the drawers are very small, but perfect for pastel colors etc). For the price, this is a good buy for those who treat it with care. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs. You don't want to trust a pen or put your supplies in an overturned box with everything falling apart. Verdict? This box is good for organizing your supplies (don't forget to check the dimensions as it's small and the drawers are very small, but perfect for pastel colors etc). For the price, this is a good buy for those who treat it with care. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs. You don't want to trust a pen or put your supplies in an overturned box with everything falling apart. Verdict? This box is good for organizing your supplies (don't forget to check the dimensions as it's small and the drawers are very small, but perfect for pastel colors etc). For the price, this is a good buy for those who treat it with care. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs. to check the dimensions as it is small and the drawers are very small but perfect for pastel colors etc.). For the price, this is a good buy for those who treat it with care. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs. to check the dimensions as it is small and the drawers are very small but perfect for pastel colors etc.). For the price, this is a good buy for those who treat it with care. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs. who treat it with care. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs. who treat it with care. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs. I would recommend this item to anyone looking for a simple storage solution. It's a nice little box and it's perfect for my needs.
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