I got this kit to lubricate my first set and it does the job perfectly. It was neatly packaged and very easy to assemble. The overall quality is to be expected for so little money, but by no means bad. The brush is sturdy, as is the switch/keycap remover, which comes in a handy little case for all your tools. As for the station itself, it kept every detail clean but not too cramped, which I liked, so I didn't accidentally lose a single detail. In addition, the aluminum switch has a fairly solid construction and allows you to open both traditional and box switches. Finally, it comes with a very large amount of lube that I didn't expect to be so hard. It's thicker than Krytox 205g0, Glorious G Lube, and Tribosys 3204 (but not by much); As for the quality of the lube itself, I've had friends and family run blind tests and gotten mixed results compared to premium lubes, so it's safe to say it holds up quite well.
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