Initially, at the point where I put the antenna there was a signal: -50 -60 Dbm when measured from the phone through the program. When measured from a PC via Acrilic with an installed antenna, the signal is -45 -50 Dbm, which is very good. Some pros: For those who need a wi-fi adapter, the solution is right TOP. A good solution with an antenna that can be moved to the top of the case or magnetized to a table / whiteboard. I have an asus ac68u router across a thick brick wall at the other end of the next room. With the antenna, the signal began to receive better (more details in the comments) Cons: For me, the purchase turned out not to be directly relevant, since I will soon change my mother to a z390 with a built-in wifi module (there is already an antenna for it). I will take the AORUS Master board. If I could rewind time, I probably wouldn't buy this adapter.
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