I was surprised to find this item. This gives you security and peace of mind. Of course, nothing stops someone who really wants to take something. But that gives the average thief pause, and only the steadfast will try to move on. Firstly, this product is small and can be carried in a pocket if desired. Second, it works like clockwork and without much hassle. This "protector" is placed on the brake disc and snapped into place. Then go. It's that simple. It attaches to your bike in a spot where no one can easily get to the main pin to saw it off. And even if they did, it would take a lot of time and effort to get through because it's so well done. The thief would look for something else that is easier to get. You open it with the key and drive away. It comes with a lanyard that you attach to the handles to remind you to remove the device before riding. If you try to ride away while it's still on you could be in an accident as it will lock your wheel and if you go that far you'll throw your head over the bike. I recommend this product to anyone with a bike, no matter where you live or the possibility of a bike being stolen. Just get it. The price is right, the security is valuable and the disk lock works!