The ability to store medical records in one place makes it easy to search between different patient files as well as keep all relevant documents together at once - this saves time! It's very comprehensive but I wish there was something like "create new file" feature which would allow me not only create new notes/records right away (it can be done manually)but also add them into existing folders automatically without having to delete old ones first. This allows us to save our precious space when we don't really know where exactly does each record go or what are its contents yet still being able to find everything easily later.- Ease of use if properly trained by system adminstrator; It allows us all in one place where we can manage our patient's care without having different programs or applications open at once! This makes communication with other members easier as well which saves time by not going between several separate apps throughout my day.-It has made scheduling appointments much faster because I don't waste so many minutes trying find someone who will see me when it actually needs seeing vs waiting until its convenient enought o be scheduled right away.