I just got this today and I'm really excited about it. These are by far the smallest contact sensors I've found and I've cycled through many of them. Maybe I used to be huge and eyes pop. This sensor is much more inconspicuous. You can see how they compare in size with a quarter in my first attached picture. They come with a DL2032 (which I believe is interchangeable with the CR2032) and are easily accessible with a small Phillips head screw (second picture). In my third picture you can see that the maximum gap I could create between the magnet and the sensor is about 5/8 inch. It's a bit smaller than the advertised 0.8 inches, but still pretty good. I had a little more trouble connecting these sensors to SmartThings than other devices, but given the size and price of these sensors, I definitely think they're worth the effort. I'll probably buy more when I find a new use for the case. small hole and press and hold the reset button for 3-5 seconds (until the red light flashes) In the SmartThings app 3. I clicked "+" to add a device 4. Then I clicked "Scan nearby" clicked 5. After 30+ seconds it recognizes the device and names it "Thing" 6. I renamed the sensor to make it easier to identify In SmartThings IDE (account.smartthings.com) 7. I logged in and clicked on "My Devices" and click on the "Edit" button. 9. Change the "Type" of the DTH to "SmartSense Open/Closed Sensor" and click the "Update" button. int, the app showed the correct interface for the touch probe when looking at the device, but it showed that it was disabled (cloud icon with a line through it). I then used the pin on the sensor again to make it discoverable again and tried adding the device again through the app. After another 30 seconds of searching, it found the device, but this time with the name I gave it earlier. At this point, the devices were working properly. I'm not sure if I just had bad luck with pairing, but I had to do this for both sensors.
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