They are working fine. I bought a cheap set thinking I had a very slow leak but found my sensors came off after a few uses. I swapped out the sensors and got much more accurate readings. I have used the new sensors several times and so far so good
Smart speaker Yandex Station Mini without clock with Alice, gray opal, 10W
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Vdealen Magic Rainbow Puzzle Ball Fidget Brain Teaser Toy For Boys & Girls Age 3+, Birthday Christmas Easter Gift Stocking Stuffers Kids Teens Adults
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🔒 Pressure Sensor Breakout: Adafruit's Enhanced Portability
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Манометр топлива - циферблат 1-1/2 дюйма, корпус из нержавеющей стали 304, заполненный жидкостью, 0-100 фунтов на квадратный дюйм, 3-2-3%, 1/8 дюйма NPT, центральное заднее крепление
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