I bought this device to serve as a platform for creating moving images (hyperlapses). Battery charge level. I used hall effect sensors on the motors to create an odometer of sorts. So far this has worked so well that I've almost reached my destination and am just waiting for better weather. However, the track wheels will have some resistance if the mounting bolts/nuts are overtightened. This is due to the plastic washers used to align the loose wheels in the rails. They are slightly deformed and interfere with the smooth rotation of the bearings in the wheels. This causes my car not to move in a straight line, but to veer slightly to the left, requiring a speed correction in my Python software to compensate. I've tried using Hall sensor data for this, but unfortunately it doesn't match from motor to motor, so I get completely different values for the same motor settings. If the fasteners were metal, this issue might not have arisen. The rails are too long and you don't realize it until you assemble it, then you have to remove the segments, in my case two, which is annoying and time consuming. It seems to me that they can be adjusted in length at the factory. Gumming can also be an improvement, but can make turning difficult. Finally, it would be very helpful to have more documentation on the hall effect sensors and the circuitry used, as I had to do some trial and error to get it working and I'm not entirely sure I have the optimal settings have. In general, the car is spacious, there is plenty of space for installing equipment, and the geared motors can handle a significant load. In general I am satisfied with the product and I recommend it to fans.
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