Against the backdrop of a shortage of video cards - imba Gamepass allows you to buy only those games that you really want, and not just what would be something to play. Affordable gaming for the average hard worker from the Urals Its pros: 1. Power. 2. Quiet 3. Little heat 4. Game pass - imba 5. A bunch of new features out of the box, such as ray tracing, audio engine, quick resume, auto HDR and more. 6. 1 TB ssd, enough for all my games and my wife's games. 7. Since the end of 2022, they promise an aaa game every season from the internal studios of the jerseys, after e3 there is no doubt about it. 8. Ultimate home entertainment solution Different cons: 1. Not enough in stock, you can not come to the store and take 2. Developers are in no hurry to optimize games for the new generation of consoles, cyberpunk looks terrible on 4k TV 3. Cumbersome interface, poor customization