If you are not sure whether to buy this item or a similar Top Race Suspension Kit, do yourself a huge favor and just buy these. It's $10 more but oh my god it completely changed my drone experience. With a top racing brand unit it wasn't working properly, loose connections, plastic parts were breaking and I actually crashed with the drone because it couldn't drop an item and then the item got stuck in my rotors as I was dismounting. This Calidaka pipette is better in every way. I fly a regular Bugs 3 / F100 Ghost drone. The device wraps easily around the center of my drone and I place the device under my stomach. The device is solid but no heavier than its main competitor. My drone has no noticeable difference in performance and can easily lift this device and attached payload. I haven't tested beyond 200 feet, but based on my excellent experience with everything else about this device, I'm confident that it will perform well at its advertised maximum range. The images they use in the product description appear to be of a Mavic drone, and they mount the device on top so as not to block the sensor on the bottom of the drone in the example. I'm sure it works fine from this position, but my drone doesn't have these sensors underneath. So I install the device from the bottom of my drone. Connecting objects is so easy. The controller has a lock and unlock button, but when you plug something into the device, you can just press the lever with your finger and it stays locked. When you're in the air and in the right place, just press the unlock button and your cargo is gone! I cannot speak highly enough of the reliability and value of this device. If you've never used your drone to drop cargo, it's a lot of fun! I bring my drone to parties (pre-Covid-19) and ask the kids to find different things to make the drone fly up and drop it. Skydiving Barbie dolls, small stuffed animals, ball, sticks, empty soda can; Just let the kids get creative and they will have a blast watching silly things fall from the sky.