Not a bad vacuum cleaner for its price. But performance takes work. Advantages. The mapping is very good and done in a short time. Very quiet. minuses. The scope of this article is broader than most I've tried. Difficult to get between chairs and table legs. Instead of one, you can also use two side brushes that let a little dirt through. And the bottom design needs to be revised. Where the roller brush is located, it has a protective cover. And because of the thickness of the roller brush. Well, this results in slower rotation effects due to the lid being pressed against it so hard. Also because the lid rubs on my tile, makes scratching noises and scratches. As a result, the rotation of the roller is slower, the accumulation of dirt is less. Unfortunately I will be back. I've tried so many and hoped this would be the one but no 🙅🏻. Will start looking again. Pity!