Value for money. If you read the negative reviews here please note that some say it's too much. No, when used correctly, it rarely sticks. When you click to shoot, make sure you have fired your weapon to the full. When you start shooting, stop to move the gun, the spring will reset and you'll try to start a new clip. This locks the weapon. Once you start pulling to shoot, don't let go of the trigger. If you must stop, point the gun in a safe direction and stop firing the clamp, that's zero. Some say it's too hard to shoot. Yes, it can be set too strong to shoot easily. If this is too difficult, turn the top cocking knob counter-clockwise to make shooting easier. If the brackets are not fully seated, turn the knob clockwise to increase power. NOTE The appropriate shackle size for this weapon is engraved on the baseplate of the weapon. Any brand will work as long as it's the right size. John B