DAO means "Decentralized Autonomous Organization". The Decentraland DAO claims the main brilliant agreements and resources that make up Decentraland – the LAND Contract, the Estates Contract and the Marketplace. It additionally possesses a significant satchel of MANA which permits it to be genuinely independent just as finance different activities and drives all through Decentraland.
A principal completely decentralized world, Decentraland is controlled through the DAO,as earlier mentioned, however,through the DAO, you can choose and vote on how the world works and possibly looks like.Thus,Decentraland is a virtual world that promotes it customers on a regular basis. It has in every case,a piece of the first vision to give up control to individuals who make and play in this virtual space. In short, clients through the DAO,gets an opportunity to take charge of the strategies made to decide how the world acts: for instance, what sorts of wearable things are permitted (or prohibited) after the dispatch of the DAO, balance of content and closeouts,among others.