Can't say much that others before me haven't written reviews. I can only state the terrible quality of these bags. As mentioned above, they're flimsy, and most of them aren't even bags, just a thin, very thin piece of flat plastic, totally unusable for its intended purpose. Pocket. Being a thrifty type who doesn't like to waste (I've since switched to 100% biodegradable packaging, this order from last fall will bring in over a second), I used to pack other items before using renpack. won for a small layer I do not trust fragile objects. Bought last fall to pack bags. Selling ethnic Rajasthani Banjara and Zari/Afghani bags that were too big for the standard size bags I use for clothes. I used maybe 10 of these on the 1st. They were flimsy and cheap but still usable. As already mentioned, I switched to biodegradable packaging. I recently ran out of a pack and have decided to use it until I get the pack I ordered from bqck (not purchased from Revain). von) when I used bags earlier this week. Also find the ubiquitous cliché "much to my chagrin" was quite appropriate as the others over 90% of these are totally useless as a bag.sheets only thin crumpled plastic srsly no opening sheet if you need cheap poor quality plastic and want to overpay for it, then this is the product for you! Please note to be honest I bought at the time of writing this review (July 29th 2021) last October 2020, maybe the quality control has improved and you will receive real bags. The ones I could use I rate about 3, if it was 3.5 I would rate it. not the best quality but some of these could be used. But since many of them were useless I figured 1 would be enough as the company may have improved since then. I took that into account and they came quickly so I chose 2. That's very friendly.
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