I bought a disk for the new year on the 20th, on the 28th it broke, the head clicked, the info was lost, I took it back under warranty, my brains hovered for 45 days, then they called and said pick up a new one, I was delighted and thought it was an accident, installed Windows and programs, worked for 2 months, 21 February, he died again and started clicking heads again, decided to check the serial numbers on the disk, maybe they were repairing it, took a picture of the first one before handing over and the second one, the serial numbers are different, gave it back under warranty and again wait 45 days NONFIGHT ! Do not take this rubbish, I don’t understand what company Toli Hitachi Toli Seagate with his past flies CC, I don’t recommend it, rubbish! Important information cannot be stored on it.
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