I love how easy it was for me as an SEO marketer, with little technical skill or experience in coding/data science at all really (just some basic knowledge of R), create my own custom data sets without having any programming skills whatsoever.- It's very intuitive! You can literally just start using their app by opening up your favorite browser window / tab then hit "create dataset". And you're good enough from there :) The free plan includes everything but advanced features like creating multi datasets etc., which are only available when subscribed through premium plans ($5 per month). We've been able build our adwords campaigns faster than ever before because we have such powerful tools right withinMetadatainsteadof needing other external platforms along side them - even though they were quite expensive comparedto what Google AdWords offers now days anyway :P The tool itself is very simple, easy to use and has a lot of features that are helpful for our business. I like that you can create multiple campaigns at once which saves time when creating new campaigns. It's also easy to add different channels to your campaigns. We've been able to increase our engagement with our customers by using this tool. We haven't had any issues with Metadata so far. We're able to analyze what works well for us and then use it in other areas of our business as well.