After reading and checking some amazingly positive reviews I decided to buy a new full face helmet in the budget category of $100 or less. Thinking that these similar looking helmets (all made in China) would be of similar quality, I narrowed my choices and settled on the GLX GX11 full face helmet. For less than $60, it seemed like it could offer "the best bang for your buck." While you could argue that this is a good deal for such a low price (hey, you even get two face masks!), I was quick to return mine for a refund as I see two major flaws. And in the end, I confirmed that the GLX GX11 is clearly of a lower quality level compared to the slightly more expensive alternative in this sub-$100 category, the LS2 Rapid full-face helmet, which I replaced the GLX GX11 with. Regarding the GLX The cons of the GX11 that I encountered was firstly that the vinyl lining on the inside of the chin guard was already separating from the main chin guard (see photo). This lining, too, was inaccurately crumpled at the splice along the edge of the curb (not visible in the photo). This non-adhesive area not only screams "poor original qualityโ but is an area that is likely to expand over time as the adhesive fails and the liner keeps peeling. Second, which may have more to do with the design, the face shield requires too much upward force before eventually opening wide. To make matters worse, the lift tab is on one side, so the face shield curves up and opens slightly on that side before all the upward force eventually results in an unwanted, rapid, full opening. I want complete control and not be distracted by simply opening a poorly constructed face shield while driving - a distraction that can be not only frustrating but deadly! While the GLX GX11 looks pretty good at first casual glance, a closer look reveals that the helmet is clearly "what it is" - a cheap helmet. To me, the face shield issue is an instant "deal killer," but if you don't find it that way, and if you have less than $60 to spend, then I think the GLX GX11 Full Face Helmet (included as transparent and darkened face shields!) Might be a good choice. MY RECOMMENDATION: Do yourself a BIG favor and spend a little more! I'm VERY glad I decided to quickly return the GLX GX11 and spend the extra $30 on the LS2 Rapid full face helmet as a replacement. Definitely noticeable improvement in quality, top to bottom, inside and out, MORE THAN worth the extra $30 in my opinion. Outperforming the GLX GX11 in many ways, the LS2 Rapid is clearly a superior helmet and the REAL deal! I will be talking about my new LS2 Rapid helmet separately after riding it.
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