I just received this lens today and I'm really happy with it. He definitely has character. The bokeh it delivers wide open almost looks like a painting - seriously, it's unrealistic. The colors are beautiful too. The only problem with it is that it's sharp even at f4+. I bought this lens used from KEH Photo and the description said "Great - almost new". I have excellent eyesight and am used to shooting with manual focus, but every photo was a little blurry no matter what I did. I don't know if this is the result of buying a used lens or if it's just because of that. I'm not sure if it's possible to calibrate a manual focus lens, I'll have to check. But to be honest I like the slightly blurred look. This only adds to the character of the lens and offers a resemblance to the Contax 645 with the Zeiss 80mm f/2. Either way the lens is great and will help you become a better photographer in the sense that you will slow down and focus more on the moment you are trying to focus rather than just shooting fast and getting the hang of it to rely on autofocus all the time. This is a great lens and I would highly recommend it if you are looking for a new experience with a classic look. Hope that helps.