Before this mixer for more than 10 years there was another "German" with the consonant name of the manufacturer. Pleased from the first to the last day. A faucet with a long spout from the same company was not found, but hansgrohe turned out to have one. The only thing I didn't like was that the faucet was not equipped with a shower set. I had to order separately and elsewhere. But it can be at the same time an advantage for someone who wants to choose a watering can, holder and rod on their own, based on their own preferences. Fortunately, hansgrohe has a rather large selection of watering cans, hoses and rods.
Men'S Heated Jacket: PROSmart Waterproof With Hood And 12Volt Battery Pack - Black
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Chums Original Cotton Eyewear Retainer - Adjustable Unisex Sunglasses Keeper (Standard-End)
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2 Long Eyeglass Chains For Men And Women - SIGONNA Eyeglasses String Holder Strap Chain - Neck Retainer For Eye Glasses And Sunglasses - Rope Lanyard - 2 Pack In Black
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Unclog With Ease: Flexible Toilet Grabber Tool With 4 Jaws And Stainless Steel Pole
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