The sensors are easy to install in my greenhouse (as they can be used as self-watering devices). In addition - it is necessary for me that I am able to monitor data over wifi from mobile phone or tablet device at any time during operation! There should also appear new products which will enable monitoring more precisely than existing solutions. For example weather station integration would have been great additional solution because not only temperature but humidity values could add valuable information about how crops grow under different conditions without using expensive meteorological stations all year round. We use this system just like modernized version home automation systems where we get notifications by email when something has happened such an opening/closing window etc., I like how easy to use this product is for farmers in developing countries where there are no electricity or other power sources available. There's nothing that i dislike about agrosense so far. This tool has helped my farm grow better than when we used manual tools before it was introduced. We have saved over $5000 since using this device as compared to our old system which involved manually spraying pesticides and fertilizer at specific times during planting season.