I took several of his courses while working for my previous employer that was an insurance agency as well at one point being part-owner/manager with another local training organization called "Training Solutions". It helped me develop many leadership qualities which were essential when running both businesses (which are now defunct). There is nothing about this program you don't like but if there's something it would be helpful having more detail regarding how these programs can help someone who has never taken any type or level course before - so they understand what he / she will learn from each class! This helps them realize why taking classes may benefit him personally AND professionally since some topics have applications outside work too such things pertaining life lessons learned through experience etc.. The training is very detailed compared with other online courses I have taken previously (e-learning). It's not too difficult for someone who has no experience of public speaking but it also explains how you can use different methods when presenting an idea or message as well - which always helps! There are some exercises that aren't particularly helpful if they're giving your first presentation so try them out before taking part; otherwise great value at such low cost (£9 per month).