Faithfully, 9 years and about 100 thousand mileage have passed on the Prado 120. The tire is not bad, but there is no piggy delight either. Were written off because of the cord that got out of the tire and hernias on three wheels (overloaded). Pros: Reliable, high-quality tire, well balanced, no unpleasant surprises for 9 years. I bought it on the Prado 120, about 100 thousand mileage passed. On the track on a solid four, while new, everything is fine, as the wear and tear, the discomfort grows. On gravel and roads in the mountains - very good, no side cuts, they row and brake perfectly. Through the dirt, they get a C grade, they quickly get washed out, but if you put a slipper on the floor, they will take you out, they won’t leave you to spend the night. On ice - I don’t advise at all, I had experience, I flew off the road at a bend. Different cons: 1. Hydroplaning is unpleasant and very dangerous, especially if you do not have new tires, in heavy rain on an asphalt track. 2. Many small punctures, collects everything from self-tapping screws to objects that cannot be pierced at all, after 9 years of operation inside the tire - a patch on a patch. 3. As it wears out - it does not like asphalt ruts, the steering wheel must be held. 4. Does not like overload, hernias immediately appear.