The fabric quality and finish is what I expected for what I paid. I mean it's not fine linen but at a good price. There are loose strings and the like. The main reason for 2 stars is that the item is too small. As I said in the title I'm a big guy. Most of the clothes I wear are XL to XXL. I figured I was wrong and just to be safe, I ordered the XXL vest as I'd rather have something bigger than something smaller that I couldn't wear at all. Everything but the tie was unwearable. The vest was buttoned at least 2-3 inches and the bow tie was just as short even when fully stretched. I was very disappointed when I ordered this kit for the Creative Black Tie special event. XXXL will not work for you. Well that's my 2 cents, thanks for reading and I hope this helps someone else. The vest was buttoned at least 2-3 inches and the bow tie was just as short even when fully stretched. I was very disappointed because I ordered this set for the special event "Creative Black Tie". XXXL will not work for you. Well that's my 2 cents, thanks for reading and I hope this helps someone else. The vest was buttoned at least 2-3 inches and the bow tie was just as short even when fully stretched. I was very disappointed when I ordered this kit for the Creative Black Tie special event. XXXL will not work for you. Well that's my 2 cents, thanks for reading and I hope this helps someone else. because I ordered this set for the special event "Creative Black Tie". XXXL will not work for you. Well that's my 2 cents, thanks for reading and I hope this helps someone else. because I ordered this set for the special event "Creative Black Tie". XXXL will not work for you. Well that's my 2 cents
Продуктовое название на русском языке: "Аксессуары для юношей XL: Манжетные кнопки для формальных случаев и паттернистый носовой платок
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