I like that i can use this app to manage all of my files (such as contracts, invoices etc) without having access at home or work! This way if something happens with email it will not affect me until i get back into to office where there are computers/printers around to print things out. Honestly though sometimes its hard typing when you have no internet connection so thats why they may add more options such wifi hotspots but then again maybe because im used to other applications which do connect through those spots? Just try them both & see what fits your needs best!! If you dont want anything else just go ahead with their basic plan since nothing comes free anyway. The benefit is being able to stay organized even from anywhere by using cloud services instead of physical storage devices. I like the fact that they are able to customize the system as well as have their own support team. It can be costly as it may require extra training and licenses which you may not need. If you're looking for customization, this might be worth considering. I'm solving problems with our accounting department with this product. It has solved issues of keeping track of all of our accounts and ensuring we are accurately accounting for money spent.