Due to circumstances, I had to look for a WiFi adapter. I chose for a long time, reading the reviews, reviews and performance characteristics of the adapter. I bought this adapter. Installed from the driver's native disk (adapter version 3.0). On 7ku got up like a native. The first two days the connection was interrupted, I realized that neighboring access points interfere with my adapter (the channels are the same). I looked and changed the channel on the router to 11. Recently, there have been no breaks yet. I download from torrents, play tanks, watch online videos, etc. Connected next to the router without obstacles showed a speed of 150 Mbps. The old router no longer gives out. I connected the adapter to IconBit xds1003d media player. It worked, everything is fine. Cons: This may not apply to this adapter, the speed is not constant, it can be min. 25 Mbps, max. up to 70 Mbps. The adapter is located (works) through two reinforced concrete walls from the D-Link router. The location is permanent. I am satisfied with the adapter, I do not regret buying it . The price is adequate.
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