I'm trying on another pair of Timberland. My goto pair is Rigmaster. It's a bit more but worth it. After dressing for the first time, they seem to be arguing. When my wife came home she said the same thing. They haven't broken yet, I've only worn them for 3 days. The fingers appear to be pointing up. So when you take a step, it seems like it locks your finger in the right position as you take a step. It's a bit odd at first but I think it's the way he holds the clutch and it made me think of those long days on the oil rig and how much I wished I had it back then had. She is also very quiet when walking, sometimes they squeak, but otherwise you can sneak up like a cat. I also really like the tread depth. Some of them are a bit large and I agree to some extent, maybe half a size if that. The finger has a space that I like.