I like the fact that they do a good job of understanding the customer and delivering a great product. I wish there were more options to customize the product. I would like to be able to have more flexibility in the customization of the product. I would recommend Slow to anyone looking for a good service provider. They are very helpful and easy to work with. I am solving the problem of finding a good service provider. I am able to communicate with the team at Slow, which has helped in getting my project completed. It was easy to set up an account for our team and get started using it immediately. The user interface is very intuitive. I found that there were not many options available in terms of customization which would have been nice to explore more before we launched. But overall I think they did most things right here! They offer great customer service as well if you need any assistance or questions. This has helped us keep track of all our marketing efforts across various channels (email, social media etc.).