In general, I made the prefix purchase as a savings mechanism for the future. There will be a 6-year pause in service. The console and games come at a hefty price tag, but in a few years, consumers will be able to stock up at a steal. The hard disk is disappointing because it is only 500 GB in size and spins at a disappointing 5400 rpm. When enough games have been released in a couple of years, I intend to upgrade to a 2 terabyte (7200 revolutions per minute) hard drive or, failing that, an SSD (albeit the latter takes a few seconds longer to load). I formerly owned a PS3, but I recently sold it and upgraded to a PS4 instead. Because of how much I like playing on the PS3, I ended up purchasing one with my laptop because it was idial (Multiplatform on the laptop, exes on the curling iron). The PS4 has only made matters worse. There aren't many games available because of how pricey they are and how few there are. The game system has been sitting unused for some time now.