FIRST I NEVER WRITE REVIEWS WHY I WRITE IT'S SIMPLE AND EASY TO REPLACE NOT TO SAY SAVE MONEY! 2000 Dodge Ram brake light and ABS light on. The speedometer will not show if the speed does not exceed 20 miles. A simple repair (20 minutes) took longer to reset the spare tire. Once the tire is off there is plenty of room to get to the ABS sensor on the differential. Sprayed some WD-40 to clean the area. You will need 3 tools (flathead screwdriver, 9/16 wrench, 1/2 wrench or socket wrench) to remove the ABS sensor. Flathead screwdriver to disconnect the electrical connector (do not lift the tab too hard or you will break the sensor). locking tab, and you must use electrical tape to fix it). 9/16 to remove the first nut holding the accessory lines. After removing the first nut, use 1/2 to remove the ABS sensor bolt/nut. Use a flathead screwdriver and try to stick it under the ABS sensor while twisting and lifting it with your other hand, it should pop out with no problem. Install a new ABS sensor after removal. (Use some lube along the edge of the sensor - I used spark plug lube to help it slide down (that's all I had)). There will be a small space (very small) between the sensor and the sensor. Differential. When you start tightening, the space closes (start slowly) - the grease is squeezed out and the sensor is flush. Follow the steps in reverse order to complete the quest. Very easily. I hope this helps and saves you a lot of money.