I've been using this force sensor in my company for a little over a year. Within the first 2 weeks of use I pulled up to 22 pounds of force and the screen froze. The ON/OFF button did not work to reset the force sensor. I had to let the battery die before I could reset it. The force sensor freezes every few hours of operation. Now, after 1 year of use, the screen freezes at least 1 time per hour. I would not recommend using this product unless it is for home use. If you are buying this for business, spend a little more money and buy a better force gauge. The only way to reset the force sensor without waiting for the battery to die is to remove the back cover and disconnect the battery. Each time this happens it takes about 8 minutes to remove and open the force sensor from my jig and then put it back on the jig. I understand that unscrewing the case will void my warranty, but I can't wait for a replacement every time this force sensor freezes. Don't buy if you don't use this often and if it's just to try something simple at home.
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