They don't seem to say much about what this thing does, so I looked it up out of curiosity. It appears to generate many high frequency surges of current which are seen as a change in voltage on the line that the Afcis switch is looking for. I've attached a picture of the signal which basically shows what's going on. He inserts this over every other cycle of the sine wave. I also recorded at a very high frequency and checked it in detail. The frequency waveform is very similar to the arc I filmed when I started my air compressor where you get an arc with a voltage drop and then the voltage kind of drops. This device turns them into a complete mess. The only real difference I saw between the real arc and this one was the frequency. I would say that the real arc frequency was 5-10 times higher. I still disabled my afci so whatever it was it might just be the Arc feature I was comparing to and that's not always the case. I would also say that when this is done on a non-AFCI circuit, those large green resistors burned out fairly quickly and the device thermally protected itself to be able to capture the waveform. Neat things.
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