I think this store I will be writing on today, will simply correlate with the name Get it now! From the name I expected this store to offer nothing better but gives instant shipping, and I think this can be only done if it has many vendors across the globe. This market place offers furniture products, electronics accessories like the computer, laptop and Mobile phones etc . We should appreciate and honor the effort if this company for the trust it gives to it customers as to give goods for credit but I believe that this whole process is done when such customers back up their credit task with collateral. Credit is only possible if the basics of the individual status like the source of income, approved of area of residence, proof of identity and many more, this is done Incase the customers will run away with the goods without giving the complete payment. With this small income earners will be able to purchase their needs. The major draw back about this company is the disorganized layout which has made navigation berry difficult especially for newbies. Thank you.