What I like best is that it's really easy to use for both newbies as well experienced users (not only developers).The fact that they don't have their own website but instead rely entirely on social media platforms makes them less trustworthy than other companies offering similar services. If you're looking into developing an app that will be popular among your target audience - consider using this platform! The benefits include instant feedback which helps make decisions faster about what…
Easy to understand interface
Instant feed back from potential customers, also useful if we are testing different versions before release.
I like how easy it is to make my own app! The only thing i dont really care for about this platform is there no option to edit your app after you submit it into an alpha version test group (at least not yet). If u can figure out what they mean by submitting to an Alpha Test Group then its super simple but if anyone knows please let me know because at first glance it looks confusing as hell. And the best part about making apps using Appsh is having access to all these tools such as Unity3D which
Easy layout
Good community support, always willing help new users when needed.
Awesome user base where everyone helps eachother learn something every day
Amazing devtools that allow one person alone without any extra resources create complex webapps
I don't really have any dislikes about this, everything is just fine