Description of BN59 01274A UA40MU6100 UA49MU6300 UA49MU8000 UA50MU7000
❤ [Product Category]. Smart HDTV Voice Bluetooth Remote Control BN59-01274A, just install two AA alkaline batteries, follow the instructions to complete the pairing and it will work properly. ❤【Compatible models】: Suitable for Samsung Smart 4K TV BN59-01274A UA32M5500 UA40MU6100 UA40MU6400 UA40MU6470 UA40MU7000 UA43M5500 UA43MU6100 UA43MU7000 UA49MU6100 UA49MU6300 UA49MU6400 UA49MU6500 UA49MU6470 UA49MU7000 UA49MU7350 UA49MU7500 UA49MU8000 UA49MU8500 UA50MU6100 UA50MU7000 UA55M5500 UA55MU6100 UA55MU6300 UA55MU6400 UA55MU6470 UA55MU6500 UA55MU7350 UA55MU6500 UA55MU7000 UA55MU7500 UA55MU8000 UA55MU8500 UA55MU9000 UA65MU6100 UA65MU6300 UA65MU6400 UA65MU6470 UA65MU6500 UA65MU7000. UA65MU7350 UA65MU7500 UA65MU8000 UA65MU8500 UA65MU9000 UA75MU6100 UA75MU7000 UA75MU8000 UA82MU7000 UA82MU8000 UA32M5500AW UA43M5500AW UA43MU6100W UA50MU6100W UA55MU6100W UA55MU6300W UA55MU6400W UA55MU6500W UA55MU7000W UA55MU8000W UA55MU9000W UA65MU6100W UA65MU6300W UA65MU6400W UA65MU6500W UA65MU7000W UA65MU8000W UA65MU9000W UA75MU6100W UA75MU7000W UA82MU7000W. UA32M5500AWXXY UA43M5500AWXXY UA43MU6100WXXY UA50MU6100WXXY UA55MU6100WXXY UA55MU6300WXXY UA55MU6400WXXY UA55MU6500WXXY UA55MU7000WXXY UA55MU8000WXXY UA55MU9000WXXY UA65MU6100WXXY UA65MU6300WXXY UA65MU6400WXXY UA65MU6500WXXY UA65MU7000WXXY UA65MU8000WXXY UA65MU9000WXXY UA75MU6100WXXY UA75MU7000WXXY UA82MU7000WXXY QA55Q6FAM QA55Q6FAMW QA55Q6FAMWXXY. ❤ 【Package Includes】: 1* smart voice remote control with User Manual (Battery is not included) 180 Days Service Guarantee: If there is any problem , please let us know and we will solve your problem promptly. We promise 100% friendly customer service.