Compared to the old way of using a separate drill and tap, it just sucks! Hard and long! This taps threads with a little more work than drilling a hole! Make sure to slow down when he starts threading. Reverse part of sales when they tie. A bit of cutting oil won't hurt, but there's no need to hammer on the aluminum. The force of the punch tends to push the tap against the hole. Too bad I didn't find them years ago - I will never use a regular faucet in any of these 5 sizes again! (And willβ¦
First, let me clarify that I'm not using them as advertised. First, I drill a hole the size of the faucet with a cobalt drill bit. I do this to ensure the durability of these bits. Then I thread the hole with these bits. I have an expensive set of tungsten steel taps that don't last as long as these taps when drilling holes first. If these taps come completely out of the metal piece, do not reverse the drill motor and try to remove the tap. You will break the faucet. I learned it the hard wayβ¦
I had the opportunity to use a DeWalt 1/4-20 bit and an Autotoolhome bit at the same time. The Autotoolhome beat ( took the lead with a clear lead. I used Tap Magic ( - highly recommend - for both taps. I also used an impact wrench on both. The Dewalt product became noticeably slower/dumber after just aβ¦