Disgusting GPS data, while the phone instantly finds satellites and does not lose them, a watch with a GPS receiver refuses to do this from the moment you start moving, about 10 minutes. Yesterday I went for a run, almost in an open field, in the village, GPS could not find satellites, even after 1.5 km of running? What is Huawei anyway? It would be one thing if they cost at least 7-8 thousand. Here, satellites are losing in an open field on a sunny day ! The heart rate monitor cannot be used in reality, it lags far behind the real training time, why does it work better on your models for 2500 than for 20,000 hours ? I didn’t give up on chips like dynamic tracking (a video of a recorded run, why do I need it ? ) I took them because of the design, materials, and bias in sports, which they were originally served with. Why is there a sapphire gl in the description, but you can’t officially confirm here that it is a sapphire, or a fake gorilla gl? Also disgusting autonomous work without a connection to the phone, there is about the pulse, all the same GPS and heart rate monitor. The battery, this is a separate story, holds for a long time, if you do not connect via Bluetooth, if you are constantly in touch, then three days, and goodbye. What the hell is travel with this watch?